
Happy Day!

July 18, 2011



For the past few weeks my Focus has been to re-align myself with who and what are important to me and my goals. I literally took ~one or two~ things out of my life that I found to be extremely time consuming and without any real return on value. The first few days I really didn't see any big changes, but slowly I found I had been wasting over 2 hrs. at least each morning. I wake up early usually by 4:30am. By 6am my routine begins, and without a plan of any kind it drifted whichever way my mood went. On any day it could include one of the following: Marathon mindless phone-calls,unnecessary online shopping+useless online coupon scavenger hunting, social-network overload, mandatory email replies, and oh just so I can stay aware of what is happening in the world CNN and the Casey Anthony Trial and repeating just one more cup of coffee, then I'm out the door.

I was devoting tons of my energy to distractions. Putting them before things I had said were really important to me. Like my morning workouts, returning phone calls/emails regarding fundraising for my Team In Training goal Donate Here, my Japanese and Nutrition courses. I'd committed myself to doing these things and I was, failing miserably. Well, it's a new day!

I came across this picture and it stuck with me. I'm not sure why but it did.

Besides being pretty it speaks volumes to what I was missing. FOCUS. 

(Disclosure:) Opening up those hours has not made getting out the door for runs any easier. I still grumble, grrumble.... It has not made miracle donations fall from the sky, I kept an eye out and I'm telling you nothing fell, shaking trees and tin cans didn't work either. Donate Here It hasn't kept me from falling asleep while studying 2000 Basic Kanji or solved any other monumental problems I had before. But, the word Focus is key. I now focus on the fact that: I own those hours. I can spend them anyway I want. And you can best believe they are better spent on the things that make a difference. Instead of posting how great something was on a Facebook page I'll take an extra weight training session, Instead of talking on the phone for hours about nothing, I'll call for help creating productive ways to help me reach my donation goal, and yes instead of replying to that email in 8 minutes and Fw: to 8 of my friends I'll spend that time making flashcards to study the 2000 Basic Kanji for my Japanese class. When we know better, we do better. 

On a positive note I put in a few extra miles last week and really focused on my training time, and I checked the scale and I am weighing in at 156 lbs! I am ready for the ahem... the bathing-suit I ordered online with that 20% off coupon I found at (...). 

Peace & Blessings.

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